About us

Fundashon Alton Paas is an advocacy group working together for a better quality of life for the person with spinal cord injury. The foundation was founded by Alton Paas when he was 21 years old. He had suffered a serious spinal cord injury at the age of 19. After the subsequent medical procedures and the rehabilitation programs, he remains dependent on a wheelchair, unable to walk. Despite the limited after-care opportunities locally, Alton is committed to the efforts to seek further improvement of his condition. After his injury Alton has discovered that he is on this earth to help, inspire and motivate his fellowman.

On his path to recovery he had made himself a promise to work for a better quality of life for himself and his fellowman with a SCI or with other physical disabilities. That's why he founded 'Fundashon Alton Paas' (Alton Paas Foundation) with the support of others. For more information see: www.fundashonaltonpaas.org and www.facebook.com/fundashonaltonpaas